Spill the Tea

This event is no longer on sale.

Wednesday April 28

5:30 PM  –  6:30 PM

The Young Patrons Committee invites you to a riveting hour with MHS President Catherine Allgor!

SIP your favorite cocktail (or mocktail) at this virtual event and hear new plans for the first historical society in America.

SHARE your thoughts as stakeholders helping to craft a fresh future.

SHOW OFF your MHS face mask (will be sent to all attendees post-event).

Free and exclusively for patrons under 40.


Join the ongoing MHS Young Patron conversation with events and networking opportunities for young professionals under the age of 40.

Membership for this vibrant group of patrons is discounted to $40.00 per year.


Visit www.masshist.org/members or contact agrant@masshist.org for more info.